I love online mapping directions to someplace new! With a few clicks to indicate your starting point, and a couple more to show your destination, voila! It's ready to print and go! (I've heard you can even get navigation systems in your car, but we don't have that yet.) All you need is the address or intersection of where you want to go, and you are on your way.
I admit, I am a direction/manual/instruction reader. I like for things to be clearly defined. Give me a three-point sermon and I'm with you the whole way. Pictures next to the menu items and I'm ready to order. That's why Sanctuary is so important to me. Throughout my 23+ years of marriage and family raising, I've spent alot of that time trying to figure out how to GET THERE from this mess I'm in! Lest you think I've ARRIVED, let me be quick to point out that, no, I am still on the journey.
Somewhere along the way, I found the intersecting coordinates for Sanctuary and started heading that way. I still manage to get lost quite often, but it has helped me to find direction and purpose by defining what it is I want for my life and my family's life.
Sanctuary is where Peace, Order and Beauty meet
Peace in my relationship with God, with my past, and with others
Order in my time, money, things, and table
Beauty in my environment, creating an atmosphere pleases the senses
There are some days in which none of the above is present. My husband once said to me (sweat pouring off his brow in the 100 degree heat) "Cleaning up after these kids ain't "Sanctuary," baby"! Sometimes I know something missing, and I can mentally go to my categories and find the key to making the day meaningful. On those days that I am up to my eyeballs washing dirty socks and undies, it helps me to think I am creating Order. When I am saying "no" to hosting a post-season hockey party, I feel less guilty because I can see the bigger picture of Sanctuary.
Most of my posts will probably fall into one of the above categories. Hopefully, some of you will share with me your own stories, and we can make our way together toward a common goal. I spend alot of my (professional) time making things beautiful, and I'd like to share tips and tricks for sprucing things up on the cheap. My kids are on their way toward becoming responsible and kind human beings, IN SPITE of my failings and shortcomings. Proof positive that great kids don't have to have perfect parents. And we are still working on those Issues that rear their ugly little heads. Yeah, we've got those too. But along the way, we are still having fun! After all, the joy really is in the journey. Got directions, let's go!
Rachel Anne