Works for Me Wednesday, hosted by Shannon.
Yeah, that's right, toenail fungus. Don't be surprised when you take off that pretty red summer nail polish if your toenails look a little ratty. Here's a natural remedy that really helped mine, and since we're all among friends you can leave me a comment telling me about just how bad YOUR toenails look. I'm here to help.
Just don't send pictures.
Use 1 part Tea Tree Oil to 1 part Lavender Oil and mix into a small bottle with a dropper. You can get these natural products at a health food store. Place a drop on each toenail morning and night, and let it soak in. Don't let it get onto your skin if you can help it. Tea Tree oil is a very potent antibiotic and lavender will help fight the infection and prevent skin irritation.
I started seeing improvement after about a week, and I kept doing it along with my vitamin regimen, which is pretty much whenever I remember it.
I also go all fall and winter sans polish, so that they get a chance to get healthy. With my feet stuffed into socks and shoes, no one can see the damage.
Try this before you get the expensive prescription stuff and hopefully it will work for you, too! For other tips, try this link.