"Where do I belong?" is a question your children are asking you every day, in thousands of ways. It is the question most of us as adults are still asking. Creating a safe place of refuge for your family answers that question with a resounding,
"You belong here. You belong to me. You belong to us."
One of the most profound ways to communicate a sense of belonging is by truly knowing one another. To be known for who you are, and what you love, and what makes you unique binds you to the the one who has made the effort to discover you.
Today's Small Thing is a quest of discovery. Simply ask questions like this to someone you love:
"What's your favorite_______________?"
"What do you love about _____________?"
"What is your favorite memory?"
"Tell me something I don't know about you."
You can make a game out of asking lots of questions, or casually work them into a conversation. I will be willing to bet my last dollar that no one will mind telling you something special about themselves. And when they do, cherish that nugget like a precious treasure....because it is a gift of themselves to you. (And enjoy the fun things you might learn!)
POINTS: 40 for asking the questions (to any loved one)
40 pts. max.
Tell us, did you learn anything new?