Today's Small Thing is for you rebels that don't like to be told what to do.
Oh, yeah. You know who you are.
Today you get to pick not only what you are going to do, but how you are going to do it, where you want to do it and with whom (if anyone) you'd like to do it with.
Just one small caveat.
Your Small Thing has to have something to do with squares.
Squares, you ask? Yes, squares.
You see, squares aren't the cool shapes, like triangles and octagons. They're not the sexy circles and ovals, or the tall and debonair rectangles. Squares are the level-headed, even tempered geometrics that don't get featured much in art or movies or landscaping. Although they've got a corner on seeing things from all the right angles, their quiet simplicity is no match for the edgy trapezoids with their bold use of linear adventure. Squares don't get invited to parties with the A-List triangles or the powerful pentagons, they just go about their business of being solidly after day.
I think it's time we gave squares their own Small Thing.
So what can you do with squares? Let me give you a few ideas and then I'll cut you loose to see what you can come up with!
- Of course, there is food: make waffles or lemon squares. Brownies make excellent squares.
- Do some quilting.
- Make a scrapbook page featuring squares.
- Use sugar cubes in your tea.
- Write a thank-you note on a square note card.
- Straighten up those square pillows on your couch.
- Play checkers or chess...the board has all the squares you could possibly need!
- Clean some window panes.
- Play hopscotch or 4 Square.
- Eat 3 square meals today, instead of skipping them.
- Do a craft out of felt squares.
- Set out some pretty square soaps.
You don't have to get complicated...just have fun thinking outside the box today! Sanctuary is all about finding the surprises in each day, no matter what shape or size they come in. See, when you start deliberately looking for a shape, or a blessing, or a daily grace, you will start finding them everywhere.
Okay, now the ball is squarely in your corner! This Small Thing would make an excellent subject to blog about and link up for tomorrow's Company Girl Coffee....don't you think??
POINTS: 50...this one will get you a bunch of points today because it requires a little thinking.
Do you have some hip square ideas to share? Maybe we need a few more to inspire us!